MoJo JoJo

The Mightiest Ape Crypto has EVER seen. $MOJO

Join the squad of apes and join the whitelisted presale of MoJo JoJo ($MOJO) the Evil ape from PowerPuff Girls.

Contract address:

MoJo JoJo 🦍


Presale Pinksale


The New BIG Memecoin of 2024. What makes $MOJO unique?

To become the next big meme hype in 2024 it is important to differentiate from the masses. Also, it is important to have a good launch and have long-term utility in place.

Whitelist Presale

There will be a low hardcap presale on Pinksale. The lower the hardcap, the higher the potential returns.


There will be a staking dapp made by top-tier developers. People can stake their tokens and earn a high % APY.


We have partnered with a massive Web3 security company in Coinsult. Which will handle the contract.

Meme NFTs

In a later stage there will be Meme NFTs available. MoJo JoJo pictures with memes associated to NFT.


MoJo JoJo the Perfect Meme Character

Mojo Jojo is the main antagonist in Cartoon Network’s The Powerpuff Girls. He is the series’ supervillain, the main archenemy of the Powerpuff Girls, and also serves as the main antagonist of The Powerpuff Girls Movie.

Our Mission & Vision

Crypto is all about hype and a catchy name. We believe that MoJo JoJo can become the next big hype. Will you Ape into the $MOJO project?

Our Moon Mission

By only allowing a small whitelisted presale on Pinksale we aim to have a low hard cap and do multiple X's on launch.


What's happening?

We want to provide our investors with an overview of what is in store for 2024.

Project Creation

With an expert team we have created the MoJo JoJo project. A lot of time and effort went into the project.

Social Media

Social media plays an important role in a project's success that is why we have appointed a social media manager.

Staking Dapp

We have created a staking dapp where investors can stake their $MOJO tokens and earn a nice APY.

NFT Meme Minting

We will be creating a gallery full of NFT Memes that will be up for minting in a later stage.


Meet our Team







T2 Agency

T2 Agency

Marketing / Incubator





Frequently asked questions?

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions. If you have any other questions please feel free to ask our moderators in the Telegram channel.

Yes all meme NFTs of MoJo JoJo will be unique.

Please join our socials to stay up-to-date with the latest announcements so you know when the presale will start and when the launch will be.

Yes the project is safe as the contract is made and audited by Coinsult a trusted security partner in the web3 space.

Join the $MOJO Socials

Copyright 2023 MoJo JoJo | Powered by MoJo JoJo

Official E-Mail: [email protected]

Official Gmail: [email protected]